Permanent Magnetic Suspended Separator, Self-Cleaning

Walker’s permanent-magnet suspended separators use high power permanently magnetic material for increased efficiency in the separation of ferrous materials. The permanent magnet design has a lower installation cost than the electromagnet type, because no DC rectifier is required, and operating costs are also lower since the magnets consume no power. Suspension heights up to 12″ are available, manually cleaned magnets can be supplied with a stripper mechanism.
- Auto shredding, blue box recycling, aggregate processing , mining and more
Standard Features and Benefits
- Self-cleaning
- High-powered Ceramax magnetic circuit for deeper field penetration
- Heavy-duty welded construction for years of service
- Extra thick bottom plate for wear resistance
- No power consumption, virtually maintenance free.
- Extremely high strength design
- Robust framework and all North American sourced components
Self-Cleaning Features
- Shaft mounted speed reducer
- TEFC “Energy Efficient” motor
- Belt take-up adjustment
- Heavy cleated rubber belt
- Self-aligning sealed bearings
- Four point suspension
- Rugged structural steel frame
Contact a Walker Application Specialist for detailed specifications and pricing.